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Transcript of interview with Alice Potter
Alice Potter was born on 30th September, 1929, at Blacktown. Alice's parents owned a house on land which was later bought by Blacktown Workers Club. Alice married in 1954 and the couple lived with her parents for one year, before moving to Rooty…
Tags: Blacktown, Rooty Hill
Transcript of interview with Mary Pike
Mary Pike was born on 13th December, 1924, at North Sydney and moved to Windsor when she was six weeks old. In 1936, the family moved to Penrith. At the time of the interview, Mary had lived in her house in Lemongrove Road, Penrith, for 50 years.…
Tags: Penrith
Transcript of interview with Winsome Phillis
Winsome Phillis was born on 5th March, 1929, at Riverstone. Winsome's father worked at the Riverstone Meatworks and the family lived in a house they had built in Regent Street, Riverstone. After leaving school at age 15, Phillis completed a…
Tags: comptometer, Riverstone
Transcript of interview with Clare Pfoeffer
Claire Pfoeffer was born on 30th January, 1913, at Parramatta. Claire moved to Seven Hills when she was aged 10. After leaving school, Claire held a variety of secretarial jobs through her life, working for 28 years at a company named Australian…
Tags: Blacktown, Seven Hills
Transcript of interview with Patricia Parker
Patricia Parker was born on 19th August, 1937, at the Paddington Women's Hospital in Sydney. Patricia moved to Blacktown with her husband and three children in the mid-1950s at age 21. Both Patricia and her husband joined the Communist Party, and…
Tags: Blacktown
Transcript of interview with Sheila Nottley
Sheila Nottley was born on 12th June, 1908, on a farming property near Kempsey. When Sheila was three months old, her mother died. Sheila moved to Sydney in 1945, firstly to Eastern Creek where she and her husband ran a dairy. They moved to Mt Druitt…
Tags: Eastern Creek, Mt Druitt
Transcript of interview with Brenda Niccol
Brenda Niccol was born on 20th April, 1920, at the home of her grandmother in Ballarat. She grew up in the Riverina area, on a block of land settled by her father after the first World War. When Brenda was 17, her mother died suddenly. The following…
Tags: Emu Plains, Penrith
Transcript of interview with Joyce Moon
Joyce Moon was born on 15th March, 1921, at Beelbangera, near Griffith in NSW. Her father worked on Burrinjuck Dam before buying a poultry farm at Schofields, when Joyce was aged 2. Joyce married at age 22 and moved to Riverstone with her husband.…
Tags: Blacktown, Schofields, Westmead
Transcript of interview with Joyce McKelvey
Joyce McKelvey was born on 16th August, 1918, at Blacktown. Joyce's father was a baker and the family lived in the main street of Blacktown with the bakery in the back of the residence. Joyce recalls seeing the cattle herded through the main street…
Tags: Blacktown
Transcript of interview with Thelma Masters
Thelma Masters was born on 28th June, 1927. When Thelma was aged eight, her mother died. For a while, Thelma, her brothers and her father moved in with her grandmother at Parklea, but then moved back to their original home. This left a large amount…
Tags: Blacktown, Quakers Hill
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Photo of Iris Hanna 1

Photo of Iris Hanna outside her home, showing the house name "The Oaks" mounted on wall in the background.